(310) 543-2611

Botox & Juvederm

BOTOX® CosmeticBOTOX® Cosmetic

Sometimes what we see in the mirror is not what we want to project to the rest of the world. For a quick, easy solution to the fine lines and wrinkles that are the early signs of aging around and above the eyes, Wolstan & Goldberg Eye Associates offers BOTOX® Cosmetic.

Stress or squinting can cause the muscles of the face to gather and wrinkle facial skin, causing crow’s feet, forehead furrows, and other facial flaws. This becomes more prominent as people age and the skin loosens. In the early stages, many of our patients choose BOTOX® Cosmetic as an alternative to more complicated procedures.

BOTOX® Cosmetic is a modified protein substance injected under the skin to block the nerve signals that cause facial muscles to tighten. When the muscles relax their grip on the skin, it smooths out and restores a youthful, relaxed appearance. The effects can last for up to three or four months and the treatment can be repeated as often as desired.

If you’re bothered by the fine lines and wrinkles on your face, but don’t feel you’re ready for plastic surgery, you may be a good candidate for BOTOX® Cosmetic.

Juvederm® XCJuvederm® XC

For patients who want to correct certain types of facial lines (particularly the “parenthesis” around the mouth) or even want lip augmentation, Wolstan & Goldberg Eye Associates offers Juvederm® XC. Juvederm® XC is a gel-type filler, which can alleviate facial lines and plump up the lips for up to a year without needing remedial treatment.

TELO Medical Center 1st Floor, Ste 100
23600 Telo Ave  Torrance CA 90505

Phone: (310) 543-2611
Fax: (310) 543-2056

Office Hours: Mon-Fri: 8AM-5:00PM